On Saturday a group of Congolese women graduated from a gender violence survivor program. In eastern Congo rebels are raping women, men, girls and boys, and in some cases the assailants stick chunks of wood and guns inside of them. The program, City of Joy, was founded by Eve Ensler, the author of "The Vagina Monologues", and is run by a program called V-day, a global movement to end violence against women and girls. For six months the 180 women participate in group therapy, dance classes, theater, self-defense, leadership and sex education classes. Christine Deschryver, director of the program said, "Upon their arrival, the faces of these women showed signs of despair, discouragement and loneliness". Last year in the Congo 1152 women are raped daily or 48 women per hour. Currently the United Nations peacekeeper are in the Congo, the forces are ineffective in stopping the multiple rapes. Deschryver, "Over time, they have, little by little, been helped to use their past difficulties as a source of empowerment".
The country is poverty stricken and has a lack of authority but it is a rich source of natural resources like, diamonds, timber and copper. The rebels use these resources to fuel wars in the Congo and in neighboring countries. The rebels pillage and rape in the eastern hills of the country due to the country's instability.
Deschryver said, "These women have moved from pain to power and will return to their homes ready to help revolutionize their communities". Due to the country's lack of control and lack of help, do you think this program will be effective for the women once they return to their homes? Do you think the women are ready to face the world after six months in the program?
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