We may often look in the mirror about 5 times before we leave for school to make sure our outfit is together, our hair look decent and that we have no glitches in our outfit. Not letting the way we look or dress dictate whether or not we are able to go on that day is good. However, in the celebrity's eye, they seem to be obsessed with beauty and looks could possibly be the only thing that is getting them by in the world. The media and stars often portray plastic surgery as something that can enhance your lifestyle and something that every older person should endure. If something is "drooping" then the media may say "you may want to find a way to get that fixed".
Having your body altered and changed to something you wanted it to be is not and easy and can also put a burden on your money. Many don't stop altering their body after one surgery because they begin to see an increasing number of things wrong with their figure or body structure. You then begin to develop Body Dysmorphic Disorder, which is when you become obsessed with perceived imperfections and no matter how many surgeries you undergo you always feel like you are ugly. Many teens and celebrities endure this disorder and feel as if the only way to correct these imperfections is through plastic surgery.
For example, starlet, Heidi Montag had recently had an breast augmentations but she was not happy with her breast size because Ryan Secrest said that her boobs didn't look that big and she internalized it and thought that they still were not big enough. Her boobs were already a G-cup but she decided that they were not big enough. She also has botox shoots into her lips very often to keep them "plump". Heidi admitted that she is obsessed with fitness but it is impossible for her to work out because he boobs are too big. Now she is looking for a surgeon that can reduce her breast size because she is unable to live an healthy lifestyle. However, since her breast implants she has had countless surgeries such as a brow life, nose job revision, chin reduction, neck liposuction, botox in her forehead, fat injections in her checks, and her ears pinned back. All these surgeries cost about 30,000 dollars.
One of the reasons why Heidi underwent surgery is because she was teased about her looks and she wants to become a pop star. In order for her to become a pop star she wanted to fit into the stereotype of a "perfect girl". She admitted that she wanted to gain sex appeal which she thought would come through getting numerous surgeries done because the music industry is such a cut-throat business. She hopes that these drastic change that she has made will get her the fame that she wants. However when is enough surgery enough?
The questions is when should you draw the line?
Plastic Surgery Remorse Linked to Deeper Issues
Experts Weigh in on Heidi Montag's Lament, Reasons for Multiple Plastic Surgeries
ABC News Medical Unit
Sept. 1, 2010
Plastic Surgery Remorse Linked to Deeper Issues
Experts Weigh in on Heidi Montag's Lament, Reasons for Multiple Plastic Surgeries
ABC News Medical Unit
Sept. 1, 2010
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