that it is easier to raise a boy than it is to raise a girl. However, when the
statistics are brought out we find that boy’s are more likely to drop out of
schools than girls are, there are more females in college than guys and also
the imprisonment rate for men is more than 15 times higher than it is for
Most parents worry about their daughters more simply for the fact that they believe
that they are more vulnerable to society. They fear their safety and because of
this they feel that the raising of a girl is harder. However, we can clearly
see that boys are more susceptible to being robbed, attacked, and being
Another reason why some people consider boys to be easier to raise than girls is the controversial topic of sex. Being a girl; when they have “the talk” with their parents in
most cases the main idea that parents try get across is that idea that boys
will say anything to girls just for sex. Also that ultimately in the end this
stereotypical idea that girls are naïve enough to believe these lies.
Though it is true that parents who have boys don’t have to worry about them ending up unexpectedly pregnant, is it safe to say that it is not just the girl’s problem when she
shows up home pregnant. As a society we have been trying to grow as far as we
can with this issue of gender equality. However, we continue to struggle and
conform to the double standards that are prevalent from generation to
Do you believe that there is a double standard between boys and girls, and do you
think that boys are easier to raise than girls are, why or why not?
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