Friday, August 28, 2015


To be Cisgender is to be part of the majority. Often associated with words such as normal, regular, and “the opposite of transgender” , many people find themselves to be part of this identification. Considering its opposite identification, transgender; only makes up roughly 0.3% of the population ,being Cisgender might be even more common than the average person would think. But what exactly does it mean to be Cisgender? To identify as Cisgender essentially means to agree with, and be comfortable with the gender assigned to you at birth. Being a Cisgender is typically regarded as very low risk, as they make up the vast majority of the world’s population. In fact, many Cisgender’s don’t even know that they technically are Cisgenders, just considering themselves to be “normal” and “regular”. To be Cisgender is not to be confused with being heterosexual. This is a very common misconception, but to be heterosexual is a sexual orientation, while being Cisgender is gender identification, two completely different ideas. It is completely possible to be a homosexual Ciswoman, as long as said person agrees with, and is comfortable with the gender assigned to them at birth. Some would argue that to identify as Cisgender doesn’t actually mean to agree with your assigned gender at birth, just to agree with and be comfortable with whatever society currently sees you as. To an extent, this is correct because typically society will view you as whatever your birth certificate says, and based upon how you behave. Overall, to be cisgender is not simply just to be “not transgender” or just to be straight; it is its own gender identity in which the person agrees with, and is comfortable with the gender assigned at birth.

Work Cited 
"Google." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Aug. 2015.

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